The Crisis Resiliency Team has a close relationship with several Strategic Partners who share a common vision of providing encouragement and assistance to survivors of disaster and other traumatic events. We are looking to continue to develop other positive relationships with organizations that share a similar vision. Current Strategic Partners include:
Baptist Chaplaincy Relations. The TCRT originally was organized by Baptist Chaplaincy and the TCRT continues to have a close working relationship with Baptist Chaplaincy Relations. This is an official endorser for Baptist Chaplains including those desiring to serve as volunteer chaplains in the area of disaster response ministry. For more information go to the webpage at:
Virginia Baptist Disaster Response. This disaster response group has a goal of having chaplains with all their disaster response teams. They use the Disaster Spiritual Care Training of the TCRT and have a close working relationship with the TCRT. Their webpage is:
You can also contact the Training and Crisis Care Team Coordinator (Kristen Curtis) at:
Crisis Response Ministry (CRM). The CRM works with Law Enforcement Agencies, Fire Departments, Offices of Emergency Management, and Homeland Security to provide emotional and spiritual care both to responders and trauma survivors. They have chapters primarily in North and Northeast Texas. If you live in those geographical areas, we encourage you to become a member of the CRM in addition to being a member of the TCRT. For more information go to their webpage at:
You can also contact the Director of CRM (Jim McKee) at: